Beer Drinker In Wine Country? Top 4 Drinks To Enjoy in Dundee Oregon

If the thought of spending the day drinking some of the Willamette Valley’s best wine just doesn’t excite you, chances are it’s because you’ve never liked the taste of wine. Rest assured that there are plenty of other libations to enjoy besides wine while you are in wine country. Did you know that the Portland area is home to some exceptional beers and breweries as well? Whether you are just visiting for the weekend or are a local, stop by to learn about and enjoy some of the excellent beer options that are available to non-wine drinkers in the Willamette Valley wine country.

Fruit Ciders

First up on our list of interesting beer options is the local company called Bauman’s Cider Company. At over 100 years old, this Gervais, OR establishment has some of the most unique cider options, which is why we love serving them at Trellis. Now that the weather is cooling off, it’s the perfect time to enjoy one of their ciders, made with fermented apples. A glass of the Old Mule Cider (6.9% ABV) is just perfect for enjoying a cool and misty Oregon evening. To take it one step further, ask for this cider in a cocktail the next time you stop by. The company recommends blending it with freshly squeezed lime juice, grated ginger, brown sugar, and rum for the coziest cider cocktail in town.

Dark Beers

While your wine enthusiast friends are enjoying their glasses of red wine, you are probably choosing a dark beer to savor. These two drinks are similar because they are both the perfect selection for cooler weather. Like red wine, dark beer can be rich and smooth and have notes of warming spices like cinnamon and vanilla. Keep in mind that dark beers tend to have more alcohol by volume than their lighter counterparts. When dining with us, we suggest the Ecliptic by Capella Porter (another local brewery). This is our darkest beer, consisting of a nice medium body with chocolate and caramel flavors. Trust us when we say that if you are a dark beer enthusiast you will not be disappointed by this selection.

Crisp Pilsners

In need of feeling refreshed? Choose a pilsner for your drink of the day. Our Zoiglhaus Pils Lager is golden colored, clean, crisp and the perfect drink to pair with just about anything on our menu (however, if you need a recommendation we will suggest our tasty burger!). This local Portland company uses Bavarian techniques to make the most authentic German-tasting beer on this side of the globe. With a certain Pacific Northwest twist, this delicious light beer is a customer favorite and has won several different awards for its taste.

Pub Beer

Sometimes you just want a beer, and you really don’t care that much about the details. We get it! If ciders, dark beers, and pilsners all sound about the same to you, may we suggest our pub beer? This is a simple can of beer that will please almost anyone who cares less about flavor profiles and flavor hints and just wants to enjoy a beer with their meal. Think of our pub beer as a no-frills option that gets the job done when you just need a drink in your hand!

At Trellis, wine is our first love, but we sure are committed to serving unique beer options as well. We understand that not everyone who comes to the Willamette Valley is a wine enthusiast, which is exactly why we are quite involved with our beer selections. Our local breweries offer an extensive variety of interesting beers, and we hope you stop by to check them out. 


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